Bingo evening on Saturday 25th May, staged by the Withiel Village Hall Social Group

A very enjoyable evening was had by all, with the audience joining in with the “legs 11”, “88 wibble wobble” and “59 the Brighton Line”. The children especially seemed to enjoy this bit.

There was a great selection of prizes on offer, from wine, chocolates, cheese and biscuits, cream tea, vouchers and even a couple of picnic chairs.

The raffle did a swift trade, as did the bar and teas, coffees, cakes and biscuits.

The evening was ably led by our caller, Lorna Philip, who did a great job in keeping us in order and moving proceeding along smoothly.

The event raised £533.69 for Withiel Village Hall, so a big thank you to all those who supported the event and gave generously.

Even Barbara Varcoe won a prize! Her first ever apparently. Well done Barbara.

A big thank you also to the Withiel Village Hall Social Group, who generously donated their time, prizes and effort to make this a very successful event.

Our next Bingo event is Saturday 26th October, 7pm for a 7:30pm start. We hope to see you there.

Kind regards, Stephen Horrocks

For the Withiel Village Hall social Group: Erica Simpson, Wendy Symons, Anne Rundle, Anita Dunstan, Rob Wilson, John Thomas and Stephen Horrocks

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