Mothering Sunday With Daffodils

St Clement's Church

Mothering Sunday With Daffodils After in Church Room, with Simnel Cake St Clements Church 11.15am

Withiel YOGA Group

Withiel Village Hall

All welcome. Wear loose clothes. Bring mat and warm blanket.


Withiel Short Mat Bowls Practice

St Wenn Village Hall

Withiel Short Mat Bowls Practice Wednesday 2pm – 5pm Thursday 7pm – 10pm If anyone is interested in joining, pop into Withiel Village Hall. No experience or equipment necessary. We look forward to seeing you. £1.00 per afternoon/ evening session Contact: Ken Horrell Tel: 01208 813611 Email:  


Eden Project

Eden Project

Eden Project Free for Mum/Gran with a Child

St Wenn Parish Lunch

St Wenn Village Hall

St Wenn Parish Lunch Starts at 12.30pm, at St Wenn Village Hall All Welcome   For more information call: Chris Goad 01726 890333

Withiel Short Mat Bowls Practice

Withiel Village Hall Withiel, Bodmin, Cornwall, United Kingdom

Withiel Short Mat Bowls Practice Wednesday 2pm – 5pm Thursday 7pm – 10pm If anyone is interested in joining, pop into Withiel Village Hall. No experience or equipment necessary. We look forward to seeing you. £1.00 per afternoon/ evening session Contact: Ken Horrell Tel: 01208 813611 Email:


Withiel Craft Class

Withiel Village Hall Withiel, Bodmin, Cornwall, United Kingdom

WITHIEL CRAFT CLASS We meet on the last Friday of the month Lots of help and advice at hand if you are learning a new skill Patchwork, Embroidery, Cross Stitch, Tapestry, Spinning, Felting, Knitting, Sewing, Crochet etc. Bring your own project & materials with you. Very friendly group, you will even get a cuppa and…


St Wenn Spring Fayre

St Wenn

St Wenn Spring Fayre Saturday 1st April 11am - 1.00pm PLEASE come and see us, we are raising much needed cash for the Church

Bye Day

North Cornwall The Hunt are holding a Bye Day at Lanjew Farm Saturday 1st April at 12 noon Everyone welcome - especially children with or without their ponies   Mike Biddick 01726 890214  or  07510 222215