Withiel Quiz Night

Withiel Village Hall

19.30 First Question Friday 10th September £3.00 p.p. £7.00 p.p. with Chilli To Book table & food 01208 831283 Christine Wilson   Email:  c2b5w3@gmail.com Limited number of tables Covid Precautions in place Proceeds in aid of local Panto group

PSA Blood Testing Evening

Wadebridge Camels Rugby Club

Detect the early signs of prostate disease for all men 40 years and over Wadebridge Camels Rugby Football Club 12a Egloshayle Road Wadebridge PL27 6BJ 6.30 - 10pm Minimum donation of £20.00 Raising Prostate Health Awareness  

Meet Peppa Pig

Lappa Valley

Come and meet Peppa Pig at Lappa Valley

Craft, Collectables and Antiques Fayre

Withiel Village Hall Withiel, Bodmin, Cornwall, United Kingdom

Saturday 30th October 2021Contact 10am - 2pm   BARGAINS GALORE: Items to include Crafts, Home grown items, Jewellery, Antiques etc etc Table for hire £5.00 each Contact: Wendy Symons 07717 130306   Covid rules apply Refreshments available    

Craft Collectable & Antique Fayre

Withiel Village Hall

Crafts, Home made items, Home Grown items Jewellery, Collectables. Antiques, Care boot items & Tombola   COVID RULES APPLY   Further info Call Wendy Symons 07717 130306

Withiel W.I.

Withiel Village Hall

November meeting 7.15pm   5th November 2021 Withiel Village Hall Quiz Evening    Contact: Erica Simpson 0777 444 9377

Withiel Quiz Night

Withiel Village Hall

Friday 12th November 7.30pm First Question To book table food phone  01208 831283   In aid of Ruthern Valley Players