Royal Cornwall Show

Royal Cornwall Showground Whitecross, Wadebridge, Cornwall, United Kingdom

Royal Cornwall Show Royal Cornwall Showground 6 -8th June 2024

Withiel Women’s Institute Open Evening

Withiel Village Hall

Friday 14th June Withiel Village Hall 7.15pm Karensa Beer-Robson witll be giving a talk about Slavery in Cornwall Non W.I. members welcome. There will be a £5.00 entry fee at the door. This includes Tea/Coffee & Biscuits   For more info contact Erica Simpson 07774449377  

Withiel v St. Wenn Cricket Match


Sunday 30th June 2024 2pm start Whitehay Cricket Pitch £5.00 entry includes delicious cream tea Children no entry charge All proceeds to St Clements & St Wenna Churches, and Cornwall Air Ambulance BY KIND PERMISSION OF MR JULIAN & MRS CHERRY LILLEY

Withiel W.I. Open Evening

Friday 5th July 2024 @ 7.15pm Withiel Village Hall David Bray The life & times of a Cornish Undertaker, Podcaster & Fundraiser   If anyone is interested in coming along, you will be made most welcome - Ladies & Gentlemen £5.00 at the door for non members, to include refreshments Contact Erica on 07774 449377  

Quiz Night

Withiel Village Hall

Withiel Village Hall Friday 12th July 2024 Bar opens at 7pm First Question 7.30pm 4 players per team £4.00 pp To Book:   In aid of: Ruthern Valley Players