Open House for Cornwall Hospice Care


Saturday 4th March 10am - 4pm In Support of Cornwall Hospice Care Homemade marmalade Homemade lemon curd Homemade cakes Bring & Buy cake stall Tombola Fancy some lunch?? Soup, Savouries Coffee & Tea   Thanks to Doug & Geraldine Tremodrett Mill Tremodrett PL26 8LP

Johnny Cowling

Lanivet Church

Lanivet & District under fives pre-school, present an evening with Johnny Cowling Friday 14th April 2023 Lanivet Church Pasty & Raffle £15.00   NO TIME GIVEN!

Jumble Sale

St Wenn Church

Tuesday 25th April 2023 St Wenn Church 2 - 4pm Cake stall Tea & Coffee   TO RAISE FUNDS FOR ST WENN CHURCH

St Wenn Pop Up Pub Night

St Wenn Hall

CORONATION WEEKEND   Friday 5th May 18.30 - 22.30 St Wenn Village Hall