Withiel Short Mat Bowls

Withiel Village Hall

Withiel Short Mat Bowls Practice Wednesday 2pm – 5pm Thursday 7pm – 10pm If anyone is interested in joining, pop into Withiel Village Hall. No experience or equipment necessary. We look forward to seeing you. £1.00 per afternoon/ evening session Contact: Ken Horrell Tel: 01208 813611 Email: k.horrell377@btinternet.com

Withiel W.I.

Withiel Village Hall

Withiel W.I. meeting Withiel Village Hall Speakers: Mr Max Simpson Tools To Amuse & Confuse   Competition: Cat Decorated Item   19.00 - 22.00 First Friday in the month, in Withiel Village Hall

Withiel Parish Lunch

Withiel Village Hall Withiel, Bodmin, Cornwall, United Kingdom

Sunday 7th January 1pm Withiel Village Hall All Welcome

St Wenn Gardening Club

St Wenn Village Hall

    Please come to any or all of our meetings. We meet in St Wenn Village Hall on the first Monday of the month at 7.30pm Our Annual membership fee is £5.00 We invite members to bring any surplus bedding or other plants to auction for the benefit of the club at these meetings.…


Pantomime 2018 – Ruthern Valley Players

Withiel Village Hall

Put the date in your diaries now for the 2018 Ruthern Valley Players' Pantomime at Withiel Village Hall.  It's sure to be a cracker! Thurs, 18th January 2018  @ 7 pm Fri, 19th January 2018  @  7 pm Sat, 20th January 2018  @  2 pm Matinee Sat, 20th January 2018  @  7 pm